Sunday, May 20, 2007

Opportunity's Knocking... Anyone Home?

I have just gotten home from a pub crawl from Boylston Street by Hynes with Seaver and his girlfriend Morgan and a few others. I had a blast (and I'll talk about probably in the next post). But first, some other news.

I took in 6 people from FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman, and it couldn't have gone any better. I introduced myself to them, and they asked me if i watched the show. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I would not miss a show like that. In fact I have watched all 20 episodes of the 1st season (so I know my FETCH stuff). The TOMB show itself was great; we all enjoyed ourselves greatly. After the show, I showed them how some of the stuff worked (which they really wanted to know about). But the biggest highlight was when I told them (and proved to them) how much I loved the show and I couldn't wait to see the 2nd season (premier on May 28th) to see where they take the show. I guess I impressed them because I got the contact info from two of the producers. I am going to email them to say thanks for coming to the TOMB and stuff like that. I am so thankful I got the opportunity to do something like that. Here's The Season Two Sneak Peek Video:

I saw Shrek The Third this weekend as well. I had a good time; I found the movie funny to watch, as I thought I would. So no complaints about that.

A group of us went to the Wheel Of Fortune "Wheelmobile" that was located at Suffolk Downs, a horse racing park. Of the 5 of us that went (Me, Steph T., Steph M., Brittany, and Collette), 2 of us (Steph T. & Collette) got their names called to play onstage. This meant that they got their picture taken and played on stage with 4 other players, a host who may have had a bit too much crack (but nevertheless was energetic), and a Vanna wannabe who reminded me of a bartender I once saw at a God-Awful bar once. The game board itself was a bunch of panels that on one side had the green "Wheel Of Fortune" logo and on the other side was essentially a piece of white board. There was also a place to put the category of the puzzle and a used letter board. They played a "Speed-Up Round" like they do in the real game before the bonus round. 1 letter can be called out per turn, and if it appeared in the puzzle, you got 3 seconds to try to solve it. If they thought you are a good candidate for a contestant, then they would send you a letter or an email telling you that you made it to callbacks (location to be in Boston). Do well there, and you're on the show. The most important thing is this:

Just because you made it on stage DOES NOT mean you get a callback. Just because you solved the puzzle DOES NOT mean you get a callback. But not making it on stage at the Wheelmobile DOES NOT mean you don't get a callback. They take all of the applications that were not randomly chosen and take them back to LA and a few of them get chosen for the callbacks.

That said, I would be surprised if neither Collette nor Stephanie got a callback. They were hilarious. To sum up Collette's performance: Doug & June. And for Stephanie: BFF's Forever. (Side note, neither of them solved their puzzle.)

In other game show stuff, before the movie, we played two rounds of Jeopardy! using my console. The first game went well, but the second game's finale was very surprising...

With a pretty good lead, Sam & Brittany were ahead going into "Final Jeopardy!," with Noah & Martha (or as we would later call her, Apple Bottoms) not too far behind, and Collette a little behind them. The category was "All About Animals." The final clue was: "Scientists gave the name "Draculin" to an anticoagulant found in the saliva of this kind of bat." Now, mind you, we were playing with the "Kids" cartridge, so the questions during the game were fairly easy; this one was no exception. So when the 30 seconds were up, I had a fairly good idea of who was gonna win. Collette was first to reveal his answer, as he was in 3rd place. His answer: "What is Vampire Spit?" I felt really bad, I really did, but I could not accept his answer, and therefore had to mark him wrong. In his defense, he claims he read the question wrong and thought it was asking for the anticoagulant or something (yeah, whatever man... :) ) He had wagered everything, bringing him to $0. Noah & Apple Bottoms, uh I mean Martha, wrote "What is the Vampire Bat?," which is the correct response. They wagered everything as well, doubling their score, but keeping Sam & Brittany within reach. So they revealed their response: "Vampire Bat." When I host Jeopardy! I make sure I say the following at the beginning of the 1st game we play:

In "Single Jeopardy!," if you do not form your response in the form of a question, you get a warning/bit of leeway. Anytime after that round, a response in anything other than the form of a question is judged as incorrect.

It doesn't take a genius to see that "Vampire Bat" is clearly not a question. So, sadly but diligently, I had to rule the response incorrect. Since they were behind at that point, there was no way for them, giving Noah & Martha the win.

What did I learn? Never assume you know how things will end up. That and read everything carefully. And listen to instructions.

I want this week to be a good one; better than the last week in terms of consistency. A few things have been annoying me and I hope things change soon, because I don't know how much longer I will be willing to deal with it. Just a thought.

Ok, it's time for a little resting before work. This will be an intense week, so I've got to be ready for it.

Let's Do It.

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