Monday, February 28, 2011

Quick Before Slumber

After a little finagling, I'm all set for finances.  Thank goodness.  Shall we talk about something else?  I think so.

The Oscars are on tonight, but I'm not watching them.  I'm just not interested in it this year, probably because I didn't go see any movies this year.  I like movies a lot, but it is no secret that I don't see many, and I tend to be picky with the movies that I'm willing to pay to see in a theater.  But from what I have been reading online via Facebook and Twitter, there were some good wins this year.  I'll read all the highlights in the morning.

My proposals for work are almost done.  I'm pretty proud of myself this time around, as I think I've got some pretty good ideas.  I'll let you all know how they are received after I pitch them.

One of my favorite games is "The Question Game."  You go back and forth answering questions, getting a better sense of who you are and who the other players are.  We should play together one day.

I've got Price tomorrow.  Time for bed.

Peace Out.

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