Thursday, July 26, 2007

For The Shorties

I'm going to try to keep this one short, but I cannot make any promises.

First, some game show news. A new host has been announced for The Price Is Right, and in my opinion, it may be a good choice. Drew Carey, the comedian who was successful with The Drew Carey Show and Whose Line Is It Anyway?, will be the new host. This was finalized a few days ago. Some people are happy about it; others are a bit skeptical. I think he could do a great job. I guess we'll have to see.

I had an eye appointment today (LONG overdue), and I now have a prescription to get some new glasses. This is very exciting for me, as I really want a new look for myself. I also wanna buy some new clothes, especially some new shirts and jeans. I don't normally buy clothes on my own; usually I bring a friend of mine along to give some input. However, I don't know who I will bring this time around...

Hung out with Rayna today; she came to pick me up from the eye appointment. See (bad choice of words), they dilated my pupils for the exam, and thus my vision was a bit fuzzy and my eyes were very sensitive to light for about 5 hours. So I asked her to come get me so that we could have lunch and stuff. Good times for the most part. Except for the sunlight and my sensitive eyes part.

Yesterday, I was overwhelmed with the feeling of "disappointment."

I've been a bit on the sick side this week, but now I'm feeling a bit better, so I should be set to go spend this weekend with Sim for his birthday bash.

I haven't talked to JDubs in a little while, and I miss that. He's become one of my closest buddies, and I wish he was around so that I could talk to him about some stuff. Don't be offended if you are reading this and you are a friend of mine. At least, try not to.

I was compared to a clam recently.

The podcast is going well. I hope to tape in about 2 weeks. I've have the game designed, and now I'll be looking for panelists. More info on that later.

The Simpsons Movie opens today (Friday). Either it will be very good, or a huge flop.

I really wanna see Ratatouille one more time. It's a beautiful movie to watch. It's definitely one of those movies you should watch with someone you care about. I hope to do that. Too bad she's away right now...

Jealousy is a human trait that everyone possess, whether you'd like to admit it or not.

I'm so ready for my own game show. I just gotta have one. No excuses.

Alright, I'm gonna head to bed. I've got work in the morning. I'll be heading on a trip in a few weeks, maybe even two. It should be a lot of fun. But I'm also kinda waiting for the school semester to begin. Does that make me weird?

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