Previously, on a recent blog post:
...Stephen Colbert... is genuinely nice, and fielded some questions from the audience. Matt got one in:
"Your character is very against books, but there are more of them on your set than any other TV show out there. Why is that?"
Stephen's Answer: ...
...And Now Part Two:
"Well, they look classy, that's why. But Colbert [the character] has only read one of them, and from that one book, only one page."
He walked over to the bookshelf located to the right of his desk and scans the books till he finds the one he spoke of: The Old Man And The Sea. "But when he read it," said Colbert, "he got confused."
It was a funny answer to what, I thought personally, was a clever question. Then the show was getting ready to start. The excitement of the crew and audience was fantastic; it really seemed like everyone wanted to be there and have a good time. Colbert did his normal opening (where he does his "table of contents" with the 4 cameras and such), and the laughs did not stop till we left the studio.
If you did not manage to see it, I do not have a clip to show you of the show (sorry to get your hopes up). But if you go to Comedy Central, I'm sure you can find video clips of it. John Kerry was the guest; he is very tall in person and looks like a living caricature. This time around, he was actually funny without being offensive. Check it out if you get the chance. UPDATE: I found a clip that I can embed, so enjoy it:
While the show was filming the end credits, Colbert walked around the set, and eventually stopped in front of the bookshelf where the books were. He started looking through one of the books, and when the cameras stopped rolling, he began to read from it. I looked for the first paragraph online so that I could post it here, but I cannot find it. Sufficed to say, it was "all you need to know" about the book. It was hilarious, and Matt and I were excited that a question Matt asked prompted something on the show (even if it did not make it to air).
After the show was done, Matt and I with his two friends went out to the lobby, and I needed to go to the bathroom, so I waited in line. While I was there, I chatted with the bodyguard to learn more about him and his job. He had some cool stuff to say, but nothing cool enough for me to write in this post. The cool stuff started happening after I went into the bathroom.
I did my business and walked out, and the audience coordinator, Mark (who I had chatted up when we first arrived) walked out of the studio doors. I don't know what came over me, but I went up to him and asked him if I could talk to him about himself and working on the show. He seemed more than happy to talk with me.
Now I bet a million people ask him if they can get a job at The Colbert Report, and I was not going to be the next. I simply asked him about how long he had been doing his job, and specially, how he got started in the TV business. I also asked for some advice on getting started in thr Biz, and especially on a show like The Colbert Report.
The great thing about all of this was that Mark actually seemed interested in talking with me and answering my questions, instead of brushing me off. He was very nice to me, and for that I am appreciative. I mentioned that I knew Marc Summers, and that's where things really went going. I won't get into all of it, but let's just say that Mark & Marc have a friend in common (so he says), and has been trying to contact Marc for a while now.
You'd think it would be over after that. And it was.
A couple was standing outside the studio hoping to get an autograph of Stephen Colbert, and Mark was trying to help them. I didn't want to intrude, but I had to know if I could get one as well. Mark asked if I had anything for him to sign; of course I did not. He said "Stay here, I'll be right back." He came back 5 minutes later and told me that he could not find Stephen, but instead he gave me the address of the studio and told me to send him an item that I wanted Stephen to sign, and he would get it for me. I was floored. Here is a guy who owes me jack, who has never met me prior to today, and frankly doesn't have to have anything to do with me, and yet he is being so nice and accommodating. I could not thank him enough. Now, I know that not everyone that I will meet will welcome me with open arms and ears, but I certainly will not forget the ones who were/are nice to me, such as Marc Summers, Mark from The Colbert Report, and Liz Walker (Local newscaster here in Boston and mother of one my best friends, Nik). I hope to add to the list soon.
I have bought my tickets for LA, and my flight leaves on Wednesday at 6:20AM. I have commandeered a digital camera for the trip, so I'll be posting pictures as the week goes along.
My 21st Birthday, by the way, was fine. I worked all day at both jobs, and the the managers from TOMB took me to the local bar and bought me a shot of tequila and a glass of Magic Hat #9. I was a little tipsy when I was all done, but I made it home safely, and now I know my limits (even though I knew them beforehand).
Ok, The trip is in a little more than 24 hours. Time to get ready. a $600-$700 trip for only $234. Not too bad if I may say so myself...
(PS: Happy 17th Birthday, Jean. Don't do anything stupid...)
1 comment:
so happy you get to go on your trip. going to get me a souvenier? :)
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