Sim had a get-together tonight, and I went. It was a good time, but I was noticeably down during part of the night: I took a 30 minute walk around his neighborhood listening to music alone at Midnight. I can't say that I wasn't inconspicuous or anything (cause I clearly wasn't). I also wasn't expecting to be in that mood; it just kind of came over me.
I miss my close friends. And I’m not talking about Rohan and Jon and that crew. I’m talking about the Harlem Crew, of Nik, JT, Wilson, and Phil. Those guys are my boys. And it’s a shame that I do not keep in touch as often as I should. They have been always been there for me and I haven’t been around that much lately. I just miss them.
I’m trying to not let girls get into my head too often, as there are other things that I need to focus on. That is not to say that I don’t wanna think about them; it’s just not my top priority. Unfortunately, this has proven to be a problem, cause it keeps popping into my head. And it’s not that I’m looking for someone in particular. I’m trying to make myself realize that I don’t need someone in order to validate how special I am. That’s not to say that it wouldn’t be nice to have a significant other. But it’s important to like myself before allowing someone else to like me as much as I should like myself (if that makes any sense). Plus, I’m trying to take it easy since the end of the semester with Kayte and I, who by the way, just returned from England. It seems like she had a good time. [Side Note: I wrote on her wall: I found a clip from Carmen Sandiego that had to do with Maine, and in one part, Cape Elizabeth, where she is from. I truly thought she would like it. I found it cool and informative, anyway. Haha]
I should be taking this summer and having a blast with my friends, and not preoccupied about things like why I would not make a good bf or why it would never work between me and so-and-so so why even go for it. I should be enjoying the break and the warm (sometimes scalding) weather.
So, whenever I get in this mood, I listen to some great music on my iPod. Or I talk it out to my good buddies. Or a combination of both. Tonight, it’s the music option. And It’s R&B and Jazz, a few of my favorite music genres.
The next post on this blog won’t actually be written by me. It’ll be written by someone else. But I read this piece of work often, and I think it’s well-written. Plus, I like it.
I’m about to go to bed for the night. I’ll be out of my funk soon enough. I just miss a lot of people that I used to talk to on nearly a daily basis. But on a good note, the weekend is nearly here. Sweetness…
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