Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This Is Just A Test

To my knowledge, this is my third attempt to keep a blog. But this time, I'm going to make a huge effort to stay true to this one, trying to keep it updated as regularly as often. For now, this is just a test to see if this works.

I make game shows. Yeah, I know it sounds a bit on the "odd" side, but one thing you have to understand is that game shows are my life. I love them. I want to work on one, and eventually, host one. You don't see too many black game show hosts these days, but I hope to be a prolific member of that industry.

I also go to Emerson College, a very expensive communications college. I've taken a leave of absence to earn more money and focus on my game show dream.

I'll stop there for now, but I hope I can keep this thing up for a bit. Who knows, maybe I'll become "popular" or something...

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