Yesterday, I bought some new books in order to create some questions for my new game show. Two books of lists and one book of statistics. I keep two notebooks with me at almost all times: a brown one to write down ideas and rules for rounds, and a white one to write down actual questions and facts that I may encounter in my travels. We tried a few of them last nights, with success. Although there was a little commotion between the players and the "audience," I got a lot of good play time, and some good ideas on how to tweak some rounds.
I hung out with Kayte last night as well. We watched TV while she cut my nails... at times it was very painful and I did not enjoy that too much. But things are fine, and I'm happy in the relationship.
I also have the luck and pleasure to run into JT late last night as well. He just happened to be at Beth Israel Hospital when I was leaving Kayte's dorm. He is on spring break from Centre College (Kentucky). We walked to Ruggles station, and along the way we caught up on how we were doing. He is doing pretty well, which is good because he's not particularly fond of Centre. Frankly I do not blame him; I highly doubt I could survive down there. He's been a few run-ins with racial issues and he's mainly had to fend for himself without any support from his "peers" (and I use this term loosely). Seeing him was one of the big highlights of the night. In fact, I'm about to go meet him for lunch in about an hour.
On my way home, I called Kayte (cause she asked me too). Pretty normal thing to do. However, this time my battery was dying and my phone shut off in mid conversation. She got worried that something happened to me, but I was fine. But it did make me realize how much I mean to her... not saying that I didn't know that already, but I guess it was a "reminder" of some sort.
My grandfather is dying and my mother wants me to get my pants from my suit tailored in case the inevitable happens. I've put it off for a while now, and the reason is because for some reason I'm being a bit superstitious about it... The longer I wait, the longer he lives (I believe)...
My birthday is officially in one month. That's all I have to say about that.
Time for me to get ready to go out to lunch, so I must be off. Stay classy.
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