Thursday, November 1, 2007

Stick With Me

Been studying for my last midterm for hours now. Can't sleep very well. I need to pass this exam with some flying colors to keep this semester alive. I like the class, I just worry that it is not sticking in my brain.

It's times like this I really wish I had a significant other next to me. Just to lie in bed with. Knowing that I'm not alone and that there is someone there who cares about me like I do about them. I wonder if I'll get that back sooner rather than later.

I know I have friends around me, and for that I am greatful. And I know that I have many other things to worry about (which I do care and take great note of all the time), but I would love a beautiful distraction.

God, I miss that feeling. What I would give to get it back...

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