Monday, November 19, 2007


Sometimes I hate the FaceBook NewsFeed. It forces you to look at things you may not wanna look at or be reminded of. It could be easier just to block the cause of the problem, i.e. the person or item which is causing the "infestation," but it will pan itself out fairly soon enough. Just wanted to throw that out there.

I'm sitting at Nik's computer in NYC right now, getting ready to leave after a fantastic weekend. He was in his 1st New York Show Topdog/Underdog. It was the best performance I've seen him in. Ever. Plus it was great to get away from Boston for a little bit. Something that I really needed to do.

Most of my close friends are returning to Boston for a short while for thanksgiving. It will be nice to see them. I've just got to make sure that I have some time for myself, is all.

A while ago, some college girl stabbed her ex-boyfriend multiple times while he was sleeping. I just read the news report again. That's just fucked up.

On a happier note, The week is almost over. :) And I'm ready for some trivia. Probably some You Don't Know Jack, my favorite game ever. I used to play it a lot, especially last year, but not so much anymore. We're gonna have a tournament this week, so I'm real excited for that.

Password is coming back to TV. Finally.

Everyone enjoy their thanksgiving.


1 comment:

Matt said...

if there is someone you are facebook friends with but don't actually want to see their every action on your newsfeed, you can put the on the "tell me less about this person list" on newsfeed preferences.