Saturday, April 11, 2009

2 Drink Minimum Musings

At Lir. Detoxing from a massive work week that will continue for the next five days.

Jeremy's party was fun. Did some bowling and did well the second game. Met some of his friends, of which one I was interested in talking go more. We'll see what happens.

The transformation is going pretty well. I'm slowly feeling like a new person. Which is exactly what I want. Just a few more days.

Computer games have been keeping me happy the past few weeks, specifically YDKJ. They make trivia fun and humorous.

The current number here at Lir is about 300, which is pretty good. I hope my party will be fun. I want it to be somethingthat I won't soon forget. And apparently the staff is getting excited as well.

Have you ever watched the hustle and activity at a bar? It's pretty interesting. You should try it sometime.

I have Easter dinner with my family tomorrow. I have not seen them in a little while. I guess it takes Jesus to bring us together.

I miss you every day. If you don't know who his applies to, that's ok. I do.

Time to finish this beer and get ready to go home.


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