Monday, October 15, 2007

Very Quicky...

I don't have too much time, since I'm working on a brain paper that is due tomorrow. but I haven't updated in a bit, so I thought I would say hello.

I FINALLY got my favorite black shirt back. It's been too long. I missed it very much. Now I can move on :P

School is alright, not super, but just alright.

I don't have time to be distracted by extraneous gossip or drama, which seems to be the bulk of my existence in the last few weeks.

I fear that I am in a deep deep state of depression. Like super big. I don't really know all the reasons why, but some of my friends have called me on it, seeing if everything is ok. It's not.

My computer died last week. It's sad cause I really like it. It's great cause this gives me the perfect excuse to buy a new one.

Happy birthday, Jeremy!

This past Saturday, I learned that there are some really nice people in the world. You never know where you might find them.

That's it for now. Don't Disappoint Me, World.

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