Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I Like The Bartender (Uh Huh, Ok)

It's been a while since I've done an update. But I've got a lot of work I need to work on. So let's make this one fast:

*My financial situation at school has been more or less taken care of. I'm set for this semester.

*My classes have been going very well. I'm actually very excited about getting these classes done.

*Jon and I have gone out to the bars every Friday for the last month and a half, and of all of them, the Lir is my favorite. Why? Cause I like the bartender there. Heh Heh. Not like that, but I'm beginning to make nice with one of them. Plus, they have good music. Can't beat that.

That's all I really feel like writing for now. So, unless there's something you wanna tell me...

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