Saturday, May 30, 2009

Two Words.

At Lir. It's Saturday. Drinking alone. Long week. Good times. Many people. Kinda hot. Scoping around. Not much. Some potentials. No guts. No glory. Young night. Rekindling friendships. Been absent. Love bartenders. So nice. Always kind. Good music. Love them.

Many changes. Big Announcement. Coming soon. Life changing.

Distraction needed. So stressed. Want happiness. Desire fruitfulness. Ceasing complaining. For now.

Bering different. Attempting to. This summer. Break shell. Dangerous ambling. Growth needed. New experiences. New destinations. Really excited.

Terminating post. Good night.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Expertise Application Is Ready

The link to the application is HERE. Fill it out and submit. If you need more information, please contact me.

Monday, May 18, 2009

S09GSS #1: Expertise

I'm happy to announce the 1st episode in the Summer 09 Game Show Series.

Well, I'm announcing auditions for the 1st episode for the S09GSS.

Everybody in this world has one thing they know more about than anyone else, thus making them a self-proclaimed expert. The question is whether they can prove it.

Game Show Number One is: Expertise: a quiz show which goes to great lengths to prove (or disprove) that a contestant is an expert on a specific topic.

I'll upload a application in the next couple of days.

Thanks in advance.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Perfect Relationship

I like R&B. It relaxes me whenever I feel wound up. It soothes me whenever I feel hurt. It rejuvenates me when I feel run down. It does a lot for me.

You know what? Scratch that.

I love R&B.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Summer Busy Work

I know that I do a lot of projects, mainly because I like to keep myself busy. I "update" 4 different blogs, and I spend time creating game shows as such. So it makes me very happy to announce a new endeavor that will hopefully last all summer.

I'm working on something called "Summer Game Show Series (2009)," a showcase of both classic game shows and new game show ideas. Every so often, a notice will come out about a new game night that people can attend. At the end of the summer, one of the games showcased may even become a regular series (provided that a proper venue is found).

As I said above, some of the games will be classic, though I suspect that only a few of them will fall in this category. Most of them will be either twists on old favorites or completely new ideas of my own.

My only worry is that I won't get the support that I need, i.e. audience and participators. I think that's been one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. I hope that this will be a good way not only to showcase my talent, but to bring people together and have fun (which is what a good game show should do).

A word game, general trivia, specialized trivia, and even a battle of the sexes is in the works. As more information is developed, I'll be sure to relay it here.