Thursday, August 23, 2007

That Does It

Every time I have the urge to post something huge, it turns out that the actual post is a bit on the small side. Kinda like this one's gonna be. But I have been very busy lately, and there's so much stuff that I would love to write about.

So... I think that before I start school, no matter what, I will post something significant. I kinda have to now, since I've been hyping it up for so freakin' long.

Well, back to Casablanca. God, I love that movie.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Ahoy There!

I'm on a ship on my way to Martha's Vineyard for the weekend with Rohan, Jon, Sim, & Ali. They are currently playing hide & seek, and I'll join them a little later. We'll be there until Monday.

There are just a few wees left in summer before school starts. Ugh.

My pitches are almost done; just a little more work to do on them. There have been so many people who have helped me with this, and I thank you all. I really do.

God Bless Merv Griffin.

Alright, I'm out. You'll hear from me soon.

Monday, August 13, 2007

From Bad To, Well...

What started as a bad day turned out to be slightly good. That's it really. I'm just a bit tired and run down right now. Just a few weeks till the new semester, and my friends leave to go back to school.

What I wouldn't give for a nice night out on the town...

Oh, and podcast is just days away.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Vocabulary

Beaver Dam (n): the female equivalent of the male "cock block."
I heard this for the first time tonight at a small get together with my friend Sam and a group of his friends. I found it hilarious and logical at the same time.

I recently watched what is, in my opinion, one of the new best game shows produced in a while. Hosted by Drew Carey, CBS' Power Of 10 is a clever game where contestants try to predict the results of a nationwide poll. They can win up to $10 Million. I don't want to ruin anything from the episodes, cause you can watch them online at, so all I will say is that you should check it out.

Speaking of game shows, I am less than two weeks from producing the radio game show podcast. I'm just looking for panelist.

Also, I'm about 2 weeks from having my pitch for PBS ready to show. I've got two fairly good game shows targeted towards kids. I am actually very excited about these.

My trip to P-Town was very relaxing. It was great to hang out with Natasha. We'll be keeping in touch.

Only a few loose ends are left to tie this summer, but I'm happy to say that most of the questions I had this summer have been answered. For better or for worse.

I still want to go clubbing with Courtney. So if you are reading this, Court, don't think I forgot...

What I would love this week is to have someone to hold. That or a piece of cake.

Will I See You In September, Or Lose You To A Summer Love...?

Not only is my phone acting up, but my internet is doing the same thing and it's beginning to interfere with my work. Not to mention talking to my friends.

I won't be spending as much time in the Fenway area this semester as I did last semester.

I apologize for these short and erratic postings. How about I write a long one next time to make it up to you.

OK, it's time for bed. I've got a 4 hour shift tomorrow. I need the money.

(PS: I Like You A Lot, More Than I Thought I Did...)

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I'm A Travelling Man

I'm on the road to a very fun-filled weekend. This Friday I leave for P-Town. I'm going to stay with Natasha for the weekend. It's been an epic battle of planning and schedules. Originally, I was going to go down to Washington D.C. to go visit her. But I never had the chance to leave Boston long enough to make the journey.

Then it turns out that she's in P-Town this weekend. I live much closer to P-Town than D.C., so I will buy a ticket for a ferry ride immediately after being at the State House, which means that I need to dress down a little that day.

It's a camping outing. I haven't gone camping in years. This will be interesting...

There's more stuff later tonight.