Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Finish Line Is Close

Almost done. One last exam to take.

Got an interview with WGBH tomorrow for FETCH! With Ruff Ruffman. Really excited.

Friends are back for a bit. I'll pay more attention to them when the stress of school is done.

I don't have time to play games with women. This mentality has helped me focus on school work. I've definitely improved 10 fold since last year at this time. No distractions or complications. I know I don't need a significant other in my life right now. And it actually feels great.

That's it for now.


Sunday, December 9, 2007


Two weeks to go; got the finals to study for. Pretty much all of my focus is going to be on that. I've got to pass these classes. Plus I've got some backwork that I must finish this week.

I've got a date... with a lot of books.